3.Puca Styleで彩る端午の節句

3. Boy's Festival colored with Puca Style

<What is Tango no Sekku?>

The Boys' Festival is a day of celebration especially for boys.
It is a celebratory day for families with boys to pray and celebrate for their boys' healthy growth and strong, healthy lives.

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HARE ERI on the special day of Boys' Festival

Enjoy the world of Puca this Boys' Festival♪
Rather than looking like everyone else, I would like to dress with items that are a little more my own.
PucaStyle's HARE Series is perfect for such moms.

Take lots of photos of your child's unique moments

Spend some precious time making family memories.

Whether it's a celebratory day or an everyday day, a child's development becomes a HARE day.

I hope you continue to grow up healthy and with a smile on your face.

\ [Puca Style special page] /

Enjoy various scenes with the Hare series ♪

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