Collection: 【Brand】Puca

Puka is a brand that celebrates babies who live with sunshine.
We aim to develop products that are fun to display every year and that you can't wait to display, such as celebrating your beloved baby with something you love and wishing you had such a gift.


Of course you can decorate it with the Puca se...
大人気!Pucaのベビースタンド-SORA-に仲間ができた!   飾るお部屋やお子さまの...
晴れと暮らすオリジナル「端午タペストリー」プレゼント!       もっと楽しいお祝い...
選んで楽しい鯉のぼり   2015年度に販売以降、ロングセラーを続ける選べるプーカ!これま...