1st of the 24 solar terms
Beginning of Spring
The arrival of spring.
The season has begun.
Risshun is the first of the 24 solar terms .
Although it is still cold in winter, it is gradually getting warmer and you can feel the spring air everywhere.
The next solar term after "Risshun", "Usui", is considered to mark the beginning of spring.
Risshun is the day when the seasons begin and also the "New Year," when a new year begins. For this reason, Risshun festivals and many other auspicious events are held at shrines all over the country.
For more information on the "Risshun Day," please see [The Customs of the Beginning of Spring].
Now let us introduce some events that take place around the time of the beginning of spring.
1. The Beginning of Spring
In the Gregorian calendar, there is New Year's Eve before New Year's Day.
Setsubun occurs on the first day of spring.
In today's Japan, the culture of celebrating the beginning of spring and the Lunar New Year has decreased, and the traditions of eating ehomaki and throwing beans on Setsubun are more familiar in daily life. Culture and lifestyles have changed rapidly in recent years, and environmental issues have also been given greater attention, but even as society as a whole changes, I feel more grateful for the cycle of the seasons and the universality of nature.
Our lives are always enriched by the seasons and culture. Let's enjoy another year like this.
◆Celebratory [Spring]◆
In many ways, the beginning of spring is a celebration of the new year and is associated with bringing good fortune and warding off evil.
This auspicious name celebrates the beginning of spring and brings good fortune.
●The beginning of spring is auspicious●
The characters for "Risshun Daikichi" written vertically are also "Risshun Daikichi" when read backwards. It is said that if you put it on the entrance of your house, even if a demon enters your house, it will mistake it for the outside and leave, so it is used as a talisman against evil spirits.
●First morning pressing of spring●
This auspicious sake is made by pressing the mash all night long from the evening of Setsubun, and then having the freshly pressed raw sake purified at a shrine in the early morning of the first day of spring.
●Beginning of Spring Fresh Sweets●
Japanese sweets made on the first day of spring are called "Risshun Namagashi." A typical example is "Risshun Daikichi Mochi." Red beans and mochi are said to have the power to ward off impurities, and the round shape of mochi represents the resolution of things coming together. It is said to be auspicious if you eat them all on the same day.
●Risshun Tofu●
It is said that if you eat it on Setsubun, it will ward off various evil spirits, and if you eat it on Risshun, it is called Risshun Daikichi Tofu, and it is said to bring health into the body and bring happiness. It is said that it is best to eat it in its "white color" on Setsubun and Risshun, so it is recommended to eat it with salt instead of soy sauce.
2. Hatsu-uma
On the first day of the horse after the beginning of spring, the Hatsuuma Festival is held on a grand scale at Inari shrines across the country.
This day is considered the Inari Shrine's festival day, as it is the day when the deity of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto descended from the sky. Farmers widely worship Inari as the rice god, as the word "Inari" comes from "rice growing." They also pray for prosperity in business and safety in the home.
Also, there is a custom of eating "oinari-san" at the Hatsuuma Festival.
Foxes are enshrined at Inari Shrines as messengers of the gods, and it became custom to offer fried tofu, a favorite food of foxes, to Inari Shrines. In eastern Japan, it is called "inari sushi." In western Japan, it is called "Oinari-san." This is probably due to this influence.
In 2023, Hatsuuma Day will be on Sunday, February 5th.
3. Displaying Hina dolls
The Peach Festival, a culture in which dolls are displayed to celebrate the healthy growth of children, is held every year on March 3rd.
◆When do you start displaying Hina dolls?◆
It is said that it is best to decorate the Hina dolls after the seasonal turning point of Setsubun, between the beginning of spring and the next seasonal turning point, Usui . It is also said that the days after Setsubun (after exorcising demons) are auspicious.
Is it not okay to decorate from January?
As it falls on the edge of March, some people consider it to be unlucky.
* "March hanging" is said to be bad luck because it will bring hardships throughout the three months. However, there are some areas where the festival is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, so there is no need to worry about "March hanging".
◆My Hina Doll for yourself◆
There is no age limit for displaying Hina dolls, and many people take them with them when they get married, as they are meant to take the misfortune of the person who is to be their own substitute. In recent years, women of all ages have begun displaying them for themselves as seasonal decorations, calling them "My Hina dolls," rather than just girls.
4. Climate
As the saying goes, "The beginning of spring" and the seasons gradually begin to change, this is why there are many expressions related to the weather.
◆ First wind of spring
The first spring wind is the first southerly wind that blows over a wide area between the beginning of spring and the vernal equinox. If the temperature rises after this wind blows, it is recognized as the first spring wind. It is one of the well-known signs of spring.
◆ Rain at the end of winter
Rain at the end of cold season refers to rain that falls around the time of the beginning of spring, about one month after the onset of cold season in January.
◆Return of cold weather
A cold snap is a temporary return of cold weather towards the end of spring after it has warmed up completely. It is called a cold snap when temperatures drop some time after the beginning of spring. It is often caused by low pressure systems that occur on the Sea of Japan side, and is a phenomenon that tends to occur in the latter half of April.
5. "Spring is bitter" - Eat seasonal foods
Eating seasonal foods is thought to be very logical for our bodies, which live according to the seasons.
As the saying goes, "spring is bitter," eating bitter spring wild vegetables is an important factor in expelling waste and fat that has built up in the body over the winter , and preparing the body for the early spring climate.
The representative of the beginning of spring is the butterbur sprout. The little heads of butterbur sprouts that pop up from the snow in early spring have a unique fragrance and a refreshing bitter taste. Other spring vegetables include mitsuba (Japanese parsley) with roots and snow peas. As for fish, whitebait, Spanish mackerel, and herring are representative of spring. Be sure to try incorporating at least one seasonal dish into your diet.
6. Celebrations of Spring around the World
February is known as the month with the most festivals in the world, and celebrating the arrival of spring has become an established part of the culture and important events that pray for bountiful harvests and good health throughout the year.
In Europe and the United States, this day is also celebrated as the day marking the arrival of spring.
Risshun, which marks the beginning of spring, is a day when people celebrate the day when Jesus Christ, 40 days after his birth, visited the temple with the Virgin Mary. It is also customary to burn a Christmas tree to mark the end of the Christmas season.
Carnivals are also held around the world as an event to celebrate the arrival of spring. Carnival is a carnival , originally a festival to pray for fertility and abundance in the spring. Before Easter, there is a period of abstinence called "Lent," and carnivals are grand feasts held before the start of that period. Examples include the Rio Carnival and the Nice Carnival. The Venice Carnival and the Nice Carnival are examples of this.
6. National Foundation Day
February 11th is Japan's National Foundation Day.
National Foundation Day is a day to celebrate the establishment of the foundation of a nation.
It was established in 1966 as a day to commemorate the founding of the nation and to foster love for one's country.
February 11th is the day that the first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, ascended to the throne.
Emperor Jimmu is a character who appears in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, Japan's oldest historical texts, which describe how gods and the country (land) of Japan were born. For this reason, it is thought that "National Foundation Day" is a day to commemorate the event itself, regardless of the founding of the country based on historical facts.
It has been 2,681 years since the founding of Japan.
National foundation days are celebrated in countries all over the world, and the dates and names of these days are often derived from the history of the founding of the country.
〇China (National Day)
China's National Day is October 1st, known as "National Day." It originates from the day Mao Zedong declared the founding of the Chinese nation at Tiananmen Square on October 1st, 1949. As the saying goes, "China has a 4,000-year history," the country has a long history, but it seems that it is believed that the date on which modern China was founded is not the same as the length of its history. In China, the week including National Day is a major holiday, and on National Day, firecrackers are set off and events are held all over China.
〇America (Independence Day)
In the United States, July 4th is designated as "Independence Day." This date comes from the day the Declaration of Independence was signed at the Continental Congress in 1776. Independence Day is also called "Independence Day," and during the week surrounding Independence Day, there are many exciting events such as fireworks and concerts all over the United States.
France (Bastille Day)
France's national day is Bastille Day, which falls on July 14th. The day comes from the storming of the Bastille prison on July 14th, 1789, which marked the beginning of the French Revolution, and the release of political prisoners, which symbolized the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of the republic for the people. On July 14th, fireworks are set off all over France, and a military parade is held in Paris.
The time of the beginning of spring is expressed in the 72 seasonal divisions as follows:
First Season: 1st Season (East Wind Thaws)
February 4th to February 8th, 2023
The spring winds begin to melt the ice on rivers and lakes.
In the bitter cold, the butterbur flowers start to peek out from the snow-covered ground. It's a joyous time of year, as it gradually signals the approach of spring.
Next Phase 2nd Phase <Yellow Nightingale Sings>
February 9th to February 13th, 2023
When the Japanese bush warblers start singing in the mountain village
The song of the nightingale heralds the beginning of spring. It is one of the three most melodic birds in Japan, and it is said that just hearing its song will bring you good fortune.
At the beginning of spring, their songs are shaky, but as spring progresses, they become more beautiful. Also, Japanese bush warblers visit plum trees to drink the nectar of the blossoms, and this combination is so picturesque that there is even a proverb, "Ume ni Uguisu." It is used as an analogy for things that are beautifully harmonious.
Last sign, 3rd sign: Fish on ice
February 14th to 18th, 2023
When fish jump through the cracks of ice