"A life of celebration"
Celebrating the seasons is about conveying the joy of children growing up and gratitude for being alive by arranging our lives, decorating for the season, and eating celebratory food. Through celebrations, we can recycle our current environment and lifestyle.
Enjoy the richness of celebrating at each turning point of the season.

The main focus of celebrations at home is undoubtedly mealtime.
Last year I went to visit the shrine with my parents and had dinner at a restaurant.
That alone would have made it a special event, but this year, when we are not visiting shrines, it was also a day to think again about "celebratory meals."

1. Celebration dinner table
My daughter can now eat a variety of foods.
I looked at various recipe sites, but for Hinamatsuri I decided to go with a classic celebratory menu.
Celebratory meals tend to incorporate seasonal ingredients, are colorful, and best of all, tend to be lightly seasoned, making them easy for children to eat.
Home-style flavors, local flavors, Japanese flavors.
I hope you will enjoy the depth of Japanese celebratory cuisine for a lifetime.

After I finished pouring the food into the dishes, I called out to my daughter, and she came running over to me.
Lately, my daughter's favorite thing to do is "help."
He asks curiously as he sets the food on the table.
"what is this?"
I'm glad you're interested in food.
"What is this?" I ask again.
The ingredients used in Japanese celebratory cuisine have various hidden meanings that bring good fortune.

2. Celebration Banquet
The dinner table was more lively than usual, and perhaps this was a reflection of the joy of the celebration and the feelings of us parents.

Although there are still some cold days, mid-spring is now enveloped in warm weather during the day.
This year too, I would like to continue creating many memories as I watch my daughter grow.

"Life with celebrations vol.1 (Girls' Festival)"

A one-of-a-kind photographer who captures the loveliness and atmosphere of "that moment" with exquisite essence. His mysteriously familiar expressiveness and nostalgic nuances are gentle and warm. Every time you look back at his photos, you will find them shining a spotlight on "life" and reminding you just how important "what is here and now" and "this moment" are, and gently teaching you methods for welcoming happiness into your daily life.