【NEW】季節をめぐるー二十四節気 第4番目「春分(しゅんぶん)」ー

[NEW] Going through the seasons - 24 solar terms 4th "Vernal Equinox" -

March 21, 2023 - April 4, 2023

Twenty-Four Seasons 6th Vernal Equinox


The vernal equinox is the day when day and night are of equal length.
``Vernal Equinox Day'' is a day to praise nature and care for living things, and is also designated as a national holiday.

The vernal equinox marks the transition from spring to summer.
It is around this time that we begin to hear information about cherry blossom blooming, and spring has finally arrived in earnest.

In Japan, this is the time of the year when there are many encounters, farewells, and lifestyle changes.

Now, I would like to introduce the events that take place around the time of [Vernal Equinox] .

1. Vernal equinox and equinox

A holiday to “honor nature and care for living things”

Around the vernal equinox.
The cold winter is finally over, and as the snow melts, the fields and mountains begin to sprout and the voices of birds begin to be heard. Insects are crawling under the soil as we head towards the season of beautiful fresh greenery.

[Vernal Equinox Day] is also the middle day of <Higan>.
The three days before and after the vernal equinox, a total of seven days, are called the "Spring Equinox."

In addition, [Autumn Equinox Day] is the ``Autumn Equinox'' for a total of 7 days, 3 days before and after the Autumn Equinox Day .

▼Please see below for [Two to Two Minutes]▼

The vernal equinox is a day to praise nature and care for living things.

The day on the autumnal equinox is ``a day to respect our ancestors and remember those who have passed away.''

Generally speaking, Higan is a Buddhist event that is held twice in the spring and fall, and is generally understood to be a period of memorial service for ancestors through visiting graves and making offerings.

The custom of holding memorial services for ancestors on the equinox is a culture unique to Japan .

What is <Higan>?

In Buddhism, Higan refers to the world of enlightenment without hesitation . (In Buddhism) the world we currently live in is called ``Shigan'' and is described as a world full of confusion and earthly desires.
In Japan, it was once believed that the Pure Land of Paradise was located in the west.
Based on this idea, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, when the sun sets due west, are the days when the day and night are of equal length, and are considered to be the days when one can get closest to the Pure Land of Paradise .

▼Please see below for <Higan>▼

The heat and cold are all the way to the equinox

From the vernal equinox to the summer solstice, daylight hours become longer and nights become shorter. Also, from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice, the daylight hours become shorter and the nighttime hours become longer.
It was thought that the vernal equinox (autumnal equinox), when the sun sets due west, is the day when you can get closest to the Pure Land, so it was designated as the time of the equinox.

3. spring equinox food

There is a custom of eating ``peony mochi'' on the day of the vernal equinox.

Mochi was eaten to pray for a rich harvest, and was served at celebrations, important guests, get-togethers, etc., and was also offered at memorial services. Red beans are also considered to be a symbol of warding off evil spirits, and like mochi, they are essential for celebrations, memorial services, and event meals.

Do you know the difference between “Botanmochi” and “Ohagi”?

Botamochi is said to be derived from ``peony'', a flower that blooms in spring, and came to be called ``peony mochi'' .

Ohagi is called ``Mihagi'', based on ``Hagi'' , a flower that blooms in autumn.

For this reason, peony mochi is made on the vernal equinox, and mihagi is made on the autumnal equinox .

Peony mochi is made in a round shape that resembles the shape of a peony flower .

Hagi is made in the shape of an elongated oval like a clover flower .

In addition, the red beans that are the raw material for Botan Mochi and Mihagi are harvested in the fall.

During the autumn equinox season, freshly harvested azuki beans could be used with their skins on, so mihagi was made with grained bean paste .

Because the skins of red beans become hard in spring, Botanmochi was made into ``koshian'' without the skins .

Nowadays, adzuki beans can be harvested regardless of the season, so the type of bean paste is used according to one's preference, and botan mochi and mihagi are used as seasonal names.

4. Company day

``Sha-nichi'' is one of the ``Zassetsushi,'' and the day of the dog's day closest to the vernal or autumnal equinox is called ``Sha-nichi.''

The company day in spring is the time for sowing seeds, and the company day in autumn is the time for harvesting, making it an important time in agriculture.

On this day, local deities are worshiped, and seeds of five grains are offered to Shunsha to pray for a good harvest, and to Akisha to give thanks for the year's harvest. In some regions, events called ``Jijinkō'' are held to enshrine the God of the Earth (Jigami) or the God of Agriculture (Nougami).

Additionally, there is a legend that if you offer sake on company days in the spring and drink it, your hearing will improve, and this is called ``jiroshu.''

5. Around the vernal equinox [seasonal words]

Spring is characterized by a changeable climate and many expressions related to the season.

Late Kasuga (Shunjitsuchichi)

``Kasuga'' means the spring sun, and ``Yakudan'' means time moves slowly.
The days of spring are long, and it represents a relaxing and cheerful atmosphere.



A word that describes a peaceful spring where the spring breeze blows comfortably.

Rapeseed rainy season (natanezuyu)

Rain that falls during the rainy season, from late March to early April, when rape blossoms bloom.
Because it rains during the season when flowers bloom, it is also called ``flower-bearing rain'' → ``flower-bearing rain.'' There is also a theory that the word ``nabana'', which has the same sound as ``saika'', was used.


Flower-raising rain

Spring rain that promotes the growth of flowers and trees. It is also called "Yokau".

6. April Fools' Day

Common throughout the world! It's a custom that says it's okay to lie on April 1st every year.

In France, where it is said to have originated, it is said to be ``a day to enjoy lies by making people laugh,'' and in Europe and the United States, it is also known as ``a day to enjoy lies,'' with TV stations playing the story on the news or using the story in advertisements. It is popular all over the world.

Its origin is unknown; the literal translation in Japanese is ``April Fool,'' the Chinese expression is ``Mangu Festival,'' Chinese is ``Fool's Festival,'' and in France, where it is said to have originated, it is ``Poisson d'Avril.'' ” (Poisson d'avril, April Fish).

What kind of lie do you tell on April Fool's Day?

April Fool's Day is said to have some rules.

What I often hear is, "You can only tell April Fool's Day lies until the morning. You have to break out the spoilers in the afternoon."

Let's take a look at the rules you can follow to have a fun April Fool's Day.


1. No lies that make people unhappy

The golden rule for lying on April Fool's Day is that you can laugh it off if you are fooled. Let's have fun with lies that have no aftertaste.

2. Spoilers will be revealed on the same day

Let's call it a "day to laugh" and end it on the same day with a meaningless lie. Once April Fool's Day is over, you might just be a liar.

Enjoy April Fools!

In the UK, April 2nd, the day after April Fool's Day, is known as `` True April, ' ' a day when people are only allowed to tell the truth.

Many people propose because of the rule that you can only say the truth on that day.


At the time of [Vernal Equinox], the seventy-two signs are expressed as follows.

First bird 10th bird < Sparrow's first nest (Sparrow's first nest) >

Around March 21 to March 25, 2023

When sparrows start building nests

Spring and summer, when the daylight hours gradually lengthen, is the breeding season for sparrows. From early morning until evening, they diligently gather dry grass and hair to begin building their nest.


Next candidate 11th candidate < Cherry blossoms start (cherry blossoms open for the first time) >

From March 26th to March 30th, 2023

When the cherry blossoms begin to bloom

At this time of year, when cherry blossoms begin to bloom everywhere, lured by the bright spring weather, you can hear information about cherry blossoms blooming from all over the country.

The 12th Descendant (Raino's voice)

Around March 31st to April 4th, 2023

When the first thunder starts

The first thunder that strikes after the first day of spring around February 4th is called ``first thunder,'' and the thunder that strikes in spring is called ``spring thunder.''
Thunder is common in summer, but spring thunder is not as violent as summer thunder, and it only seems to strike one or two before it stops.

It is the first sign of the autumnal equinox, which is paired with the first sign of the autumnal equinox.


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