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Living with the Seasons

We will introduce seasonal culture and customs, focusing on the 24 solar terms and 72 divisions that mark seasons and turning points in life.
Living next to the seasons. Listening to the whispers of nature. Learning about the culture that people have woven together.
I hope you can live a slightly special everyday life.

[Living with the Seasons]

Related serial reading

<24 solar terms>
We will introduce seasonal culture and customs based on the 24 solar terms and 72 seasons that mark the turning points of the seasons. We hope that you will be able to live a slightly special daily life.
<Seasonal Cue Ball>
Enjoying the seasons enriches your life. We will introduce some handicrafts that will allow you to enjoy the seasons in your spare time during your busy schedule.
<Yuko Tokunaga’s Seasonal Life>
President of Tokunaga Koinobori, Yuko Tokunaga writes casually about her life from the perspective of "living in the present amid the seasons and culture." Why not take a little break?
<Seasonal customs>
This book compiles information on traditional Japanese customs, culture, annual events, and practices, including ancient Japanese celebrations. It will be the essence of organizing your daily life in a way that connects with the times.

Related Reading

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